Making Changes
Once enrolled, you can make mid-year changes to your benefits during the plan year only within 30 days of a change in life status (qualified life event). Note: The mid-year changes you are eligible to make depend on the type of life-status change you have experienced. If you miss this 30-day deadline, you will not be able to enroll yourself or your dependents until the next annual enrollment window. Qualified life events include:
- You marry or divorce.
- You or your spouse give birth or adopt a child.
- Your spouse has a change in employment status, causing gain or loss of coverage for you or your dependents.
- You lose your current coverage under a different plan.
- Your spouse or a dependent dies.
- Your dependent child is no longer eligible or is newly eligible.
Qualified life event changes will be effective on the date of notification of the qualified life event, except for the birth or adoption of a child, which will be effective on the date of the event.
Your dependent is eligible for the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIP). Once it is determined that you or your dependents are eligible for premium assistance under Medicaid or CHIP, your employer’s health plan is required to permit you and your dependents to enroll in the plan—as long as you and your dependents are eligible, but not already enrolled in the employer’s plan. This is called a “special enrollment” opportunity, and you must request coverage within 60 days of being determined eligible for premium assistance.
To make a change to your benefits following a qualified life event, visit the Employee Self Service page and click “Benefit Details” and then on “Life Events” to begin the process.
Continuing Coverage After Termination
Under certain circumstances, after you terminate employment or no longer meet benefit-eligibility requirements, you and your dependents may continue to participate in some ECU Health benefit plans through COBRA continuation coverage. If you have a COBRA qualifying event, you’ll receive information regarding your specific coverage rights.
Imputed Income
If you enroll a domestic partner or your partner’s child(ren) under your medical, dental or vision plan, and that individual does not meet the IRS definition of a qualified tax dependent, the IRS considers the fair market value of the additional coverage as “imputed income.”
Unlike health coverage for other family members, the value of the additional coverage is a taxable benefit. This means that the imputed income increases your taxable gross income for purposes of federal income and FICA taxes (Social Security and Medicare). Federal and FICA taxes on imputed income are withheld from each paycheck. Imputed income is separate from, and in addition to, your other benefit deductions.
The amount of your imputed income depends on:
- The plan option(s) in which you are enrolled.
- The level of coverage you elect.
Imputed income is reported on your annual W-2 form.